Marketing and Communication in Luxembourg

Are you a specialist in communication, advertising, marketing or a public relations cador ? You want to be able to communicate about your concept or idea, but you do not know how or where to start ? Marketer in the soul you would like to understand the numbers in a natural way without pulling your hair out ? Do you want to have Molière's pen and write your content in the most efficient way possible ? Public speaking is a nightmare and you want to overcome it like a a champion ? Staying on top of the latest trends on social networks?

Good news ! Helloboss gives you information on the best pro events and learnings that will make your career take off in Luxembourg ! Find THE conference that will transform your way of communicating ! THE workshop that will teach you how to write and speak to reach your goal ! THE networking that will allow to transmit your talents in public-speaking and to find 2-3 ideas in the way. All this is where it's happening !

Tuesday 23 April



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