Professional experts, the softskills that make the difference

1390 €
at 0.7 KM
  • Psychology
  • Training
  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Self-confidence
  • Well-being
  • Management

-Develop his emotional and relational intelligences
Self-diagnosis: measurement of one's Emotional Quotient (EQ)
Measure the weight of emotions.
Manage your emotions to become more effective in your professional life.
Exercise of application: decryption of the different emotions felt during various situations resulting from the professional daily life of the participants.
Strengthen your leadership by controlling your emotions.
Identify the basic relational needs.
Identify the springs of a successful communication.
Scenario: definition of the constituent elements of the different levels of communication: verbal, para-verbal, non-verbal.

-Install an active and empathetic listening
Self-diagnosis: his listening skills.
Adopt a listening posture.
Set active listening.
Use questioning techniques.
Application exercise: from listening situations.
Identify the emotions in his interlocutor.
Recognize the need behind the emotion.
Associate listening and empathy.
Scenario: empathic listening.

-To facilitate collaboration and creativity
Work collaboratively.
Identify the contributions of collaborative work: effectiveness, efficiency and involvement.
List the levers of the collaborative enterprise.
Discover collaborative tools.
Scenario: experimentation of collaborative approaches.
Win in creativity.
Self-diagnosis: its creative potential.
Raise his brakes.
Adopt creative attitudes.
Experiment with various creative techniques to put innovation at the heart of your business.
Exercise of application: starting from a professional situation brought by one of the participants, to bring out operational solutions via the creative process.
Manage stress and time
Know yourself about stress
Self-diagnosis: the stressors for oneself.
Discover relaxation exercises to manage stress.
Identify his warning signs of stress.
Identify the most stressful situations for you.
Scenario: training in the management of stressful situations.
Gain efficiency in managing priorities.
Self-diagnosis: its time thieves.
Identify high value added tasks.
Anticipate and plan recurring tasks.
Organize your day to optimize your working time.
Manage the unexpected.
Differentiate urgently and importantly.
Application exercise: optimizing your schedule.

-Develop his pedagogical skills to be really understood
Make knowledge accessible.
Define what it means to be a pedagogue.
Identify the elements necessary to understand a subject.
Scenario: choice of a subject to be transmitted to the other participants of the group, construction of the transmission situation.
Appropriate basic principles of a situation of access to knowledge.
Communicate effectively.
Define precisely his goal.
Build your message.
Clearly identify his recipients.
Exercise of application: animation of the situation of transmission previously conceived by the participants.

Good to know

For who ?
• Anyone wishing to develop their softskills to support their expertise

Anyone wishing to develop his softskills to support his expertise

Acquired skills:
At the end of this training, you will know how to put your behavioral and transversal skills to the service of your expertise.


Where does it take place?

1930 Luxembourg 16A, Avenue de la Liberté Luxembourg Luxembourg

Avenue de la Liberté Luxembourg Luxembourg


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