The responsibilities of the manager, the designated worker and the line of authority for occupational safety and health

280 €
at 3.5 KM
Chambre des métiers
  • Training
  • Healthcare
  • Security
  • Entreprise


Through the example of a typical company, identify the main legal obligations with regard to OSH and better identify the responsibilities of the manager, the management and the designated worker.


Legal context: binding and non-binding frameworks
Occupational safety and health actors
Internally: the designated worker, the hierarchical line, the employees, the staff delegation, delegate for safety and health, delegate for equality
Externally: the occupational health service, the ITM, the AAA, the certified organizations, the safety coordinator
The legal minimum to put in place
Designation and training of a designated worker
Affiliation to Occupational Health Service
Human resources: medical visits, training, authorizations
Workplace accident management: declaration and analysis
Safety Occupational health: inventory of positions at risk, determination of work units, assessment of occupational risks (physical, ergonomic and psychosocial) according to the Kinney method, information and training of employees, organization of fire-fighting methods, evacuation and immediate serious dangers, first aid
Security Registers: authorization monitoring, periodic inspections, maintenance and maintenance
Focus on
Responsibilities of the hierarchical line
Companies with more than 15 employees: the prerogatives of the Staff Delegation in terms of OSH (Social Dialogue Act of 23/07/2015, elections of 2019)
Chemical products

Good to know

Automagically translated from French

Chambre des métiers

Where does it take place?

1347 Luxembourg 2, Circuit de La Foire Internationale Luxembourg Luxembourg

Chambre des métiers
Circuit de La Foire Internationale Luxembourg Luxembourg


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